Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery

Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive surgery includes all kinds of surgical procedures to change the appearance of any part of the body, from hair to toenails. Aesthetics can be defined as a journey towards beauty, and beauty varies from person to person. The important thing is to ensure that the male or female person has an image that makes him/her feel more comfortable and safe.

The main difference between Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive surgeries is the varying ratios of function and appearance. As we move from aesthetics to reconstruction, functional corrections come to the fore.

The magic of aesthetic surgery is to find the most suitable and beautiful option, and to move forward with the right doctor and the right center in this s

The main plastic surgery operations are listed as follows. If there is a change that is not on the list but you are considering for yourself, do not hesitate to talk to your surgeon about it.

Nose aesthetics (Rhinoplasty)


Eyelid aesthetics (Blepharoplasty)

Facial rejuvenation with fat injection

Hollywood cheek (Bichectomy)

Prominent ear surgery

Gamze making

Face and neck lift

Breast reduction

Breast augmentation

Breast lift

Breast reconstruction after cancer surgery

Gynecomastia surgery

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

Arm stretching

Leg stretching

Degreasing (Laser or vaser)

Brazilian butt construction (buttock fat injection)

Body shaping after weight loss

Genital aesthetics

Filling applications

Personal appearance can greatly influence how an individual feels and interacts with the world. In order to improve your personal appearance and increase your self-esteem, it is important that you choose aesthetic procedures with the right doctor and in the right center. As Yaşam Hospitals Group, we provide services with our entire surgical and care team to provide the best environment and the fastest recovery process for you.

The Importance of Personal Preferences

Aesthetics and beauty are concepts that vary from person to person. We learn what to expect before the surgery and plan your process by being in constant contact with you for the most suitable result for your expectations.


Fibrocell is the first FDA consented rejuvenescence treatment. For fibrocell treatment a skin biopsy taken from the backside of the ear and blood samples of the patient are transmitted to a tissue engineering laboratory. After 4 to 6 weeks of multiplication process, the samples are brought into a state of a cells including injection. After 3 injection sessions with 3-6 weeks interval, the fibroblasts start to function. Application area: Facial renewal and rejuvenescence, winkle treatment, skin chaps, hair loss, chronic open injury treatment, scar remedy after burnt or surgery, acne and chicken pox scar removal.

Permanent Ear Aesthetics

This surgery is most often applied by reason of ear size reduction or permanent ear correction. This operation is applied under general anesthesia in case the patient is a child and under local anesthesia in case the patient is an adult. Further an ear aesthetic operation can be applied at every age. The intervention is a permanent intervention. The shape given during the operation lasts lifelong.

Nose Aesthetics

Nose aesthetics or rhinoplasty is the aesthetic intervention during which the nose shape is reformed. This kind of surgery might also be applied by reason of curves inside the nose or in order to open the obstruction in the nose, which causes respiratory difficulties. This operation is only applied when you are older than 18. Nose aesthetics can be applied under local as well as general anesthesia. After the nose aesthetics operation, the nose will be protected by a plaster case, which can be removed after the seventh day.

Eyelid Aesthetics

The eyelid is the part of the body that mostly shows ageing and that draws most of the attention. The eyelid is covered with a very dynamic and at the same time very thin skin. All the prolapse, softening in the eye area, has side effects to the eyelid. In these cases, the eyelid can be corrected with an aesthetic surgery. During a standard eyelid operation, the eyelid skin, the thin muscle layer under the skin and the fats that fill the eye bags, are removed. In order to have an ideal treatment, in case you have any aging connected changes in any other part of the face, by correcting these changes as well, a younger apparition of your face, will appear.

Face Lift

With nowadays aesthetic technics applied to the face, by pulling the hanging cheek tissues upwards, the cheeks and face look more filled. As result of bringing the hanging tissues to its original place, the natural view and rejuvenation is supplied. Further this operation is applied without any external scar.

Eyebrow Aesthetics

Eyebrow lift or eyebrow suspension can be applied under general anesthesia as well as local anesthesia. Hospitalization isn't required and the result of the operation lasts for many years.

Abdominal Lift (Tummy Tuck): Excessive abdominal zones connected to intensive weight gain and loss or after birth, are corrected by abdominal aesthetics. With abdominal aesthetics or abdominal skin excess removing or liposuction methods, the excessive fat is removed.

Breast Enlarging

Every woman aesthetically wants to have good looking breasts. Unfortunately, because of several reasons, breasts might get smaller or reduce, and reach an insufficient size. In this kind of cases by application of breast enlarging and filling directed interventions to the small breasts, the breast appearance will be more full, large, and aesthetically nicer.

Breast Reduction

Excessive big breasts, can cause many problems such as local buckling, mycetes infections, discomfort when wearing a bra etc. As result of breast reducing surgery, breast volume is reduced and the breast becomes more upright. During the operation excessive breast tissue and skin is removed and the nipple is placed to a higher place.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is the surgery during which hanging breasts are brought to its original conditions. If your nipples are located above the line of the lower lap of the breast, your breasts are fine. If this line level slightly lowered, this situation is seen as a slightly hanging breast, in case the nipple is located under this line, serious breast hanging is present. This kind of circumstances can be corrected by a breast augmentation operation.

Male Breast Enlarging (Gynecomastia):

Gynecomastia is applied in case of breast zone enlarging typed as female typed breasts. This problem can be caused by reason of medical effects or hormonal imbalance. There are three main types, namely glandular, fatty glandular and ordinary fatty. In case of the glandular type, the growing is caused by growing of the breast tissue. In case of the fatty type, the fat tissue causes growing. To the glandular type, liposuction and surgical removing is used as combination. In case the mass only consists of fat, as cause of the hanging breasts, the mass and skin excess should be removed. Hormonal changes connected gynecomastia mostly is seen at boys between 13-15 years old. This problem usually is solved automatically for 90% of the children. For adult male, breast cancer possibility should be remembered. Further other reasons that might cause gynecomastia, should also be researched. Hepatitis, cirrhosis, lung cancer, lung diseases, organ cancer, thyroid tissue diseases, testicle diseases, heroine or any other resembling drugs use, steroid use for weight or muscle increasing and in some cases medication use, might cause gynecomastia.


Liposuction, liposhaping, liposculpturing, body contouring, all these words reflect to fat suction at different zone, by using vacuum and reinjection of the fat at supplement requiring zones. Liposuction can be applied under general an esthesia as well as local anesthesia. In case of general anesthesia application one day hospitalization is required. In case of local anesthesia, after a few hours of observation, you can be discharged.

Head-neck Cancer

When skin cancer becomes visible, in general a diagnosis can be made early, what makes successful treatment highly possible. If you distinguish a wound on your face, hands or any other part of the body, that doesn't recover or close for more than one month, contact a doctor as soon as possible. In case of swelling in the neck first there is thought of an inflammation or abscess. If the swelling doesn't have abscess symptoms (redness, swelling, pain, temperature increasement) and if the swelling only keeps on increasing or constantly has the same size, bad circumstances might come to your mind. This swelling namely might be a tumor or cancer.

In case you have a wound at your lip, lower facial zone or ear skin, which doesn't get better, you should be suspicious. In the worst case this might be the "malign melanoma" disease, which is cancer and is caused by reason of an earlier present for later appeared spot (spiloma) that has a black, brown or dark purple color. In some cases, some other spots around the central spot might be visible. Further changes such as blood on the spot or color changes might occur.

If you notice a black or dark purple colored spot at your head or neck, which size only keeps on increasing, be sure you get examined by a doctor. A malign melanoma might occur after having stayed in a dark room for a long while, after which you go on holiday and stay in the sun for a long time. The lip is one of the zones, where skin cancer is most often seen. Lip cancer is more often seen at men and in case of time loss it spreads over the complete lip and in some cases even until the neck tissues (lymph tissue) and other organs (lungs, bone). In case of early-stage diagnosis, complete treatment is possible.