Medical Second Opinion

Second Opinion

Ask your questions about the discomfort you are experiencing to the specialist physicians of our hospital, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Second Opinion is a free service that includes the re-evaluation of your disease by specialist doctors in line with the information you have given us and your examinations. You can get a second expert opinion about the diagnosis and recommended treatment by sending us your name, phone number and e-mail address with the Second Opinion form. 

When you fill in the second opinion form and send it to us, your question will be answered by specialist physicians and the Second Opinion will be delivered to you within 24 hours. After you fill out the Second Opinion form, you can upload your results and send them to us from the "Report Upload" section that will appear. 

How Does Second Sight Work? 

Step 1: Fill in the name, surname, e-mail, phone number and detailed information you want to convey about your illness in the Second Opinion form. 

Step 2: Check the option stating that you have read and approved the terms of use, and then submit the form by passing the security step. 

Step 3: Then, you can upload your digital examinations by clicking the "Upload Your Reports" button. 

Why Should You Get A Second Opinion?

The treatment of some diseases requires a multidisciplinary understanding and the expertise of more than one doctor is required. 

Getting opinions from more than one doctor about many diseases helps the patient to prepare himself for treatment and complete the treatment process with a more positive perspective. 

It is important for the evaluation of all methods in diseases with multiple treatment options. For example, getting the opinions of more than one doctor about whether prostate cancer surgeries will be treated with open, laparoscopic or robotic surgery methods makes it easier to choose the appropriate method for the patient. 

Evaluation of the diagnosis-treatment decision made by a single department or branch physician by more than one physician is important for the correct diagnosis and treatment to be applied. Especially in many complicated diseases such as cancer and brain tumors, the decision of the council affects the success of the treatment. 

When your examinations reach us, our doctors evaluate the diagnosis and the recommended treatment for you, make comments, and review the alternative treatment options, if any, and report your results.

Second Medical Opinion

Ask your questions about the discomfort you are experiencing to the specialist physicians of our hospital, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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